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Goffs Oak Primary and Nursery School

Believe, Achieve, Care

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6!

Teachers: Mr Wilkie 

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Kaal, Mrs Jordan, Mrs Miller

We are enjoying a fantastic time in Year 6.

Please keep revisiting this page to see the marvellous things we get up to!


Preparing for the Christmas Dragons Den!

Over the last few weeks we have been preparing crafts to sell on our stall at the Christmas Fayre. Carefully designed images painted on plant pots look awesome, we will be ready to fill them up shortly and pom-pom gonks involving a lot of measuring, cutting and patience are so cute! We are very proud of our efforts and hope to raise a lot of money for the school.  We will also be making cinnamon sticks to hang on the tree. 🌲 

Daily Mindfulness to Calm Bodies and Minds

Daily mindfulness, straight after break, creates a relaxed, positive environment for our classroom which benefits behaviour, communication and emotional regulation.  It helps us to learn patience and explores feelings such as gratitude and love.

World Mental Health Day

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World Mental Health Day is a day to talk about mental health and recognise that mental health matters, so today was spent looking at how our brains work using the brain house as an analogy.  Through the use of different types of people living on each floor, we were able to explain what is happening in our brains when we have strong emotions.  We used mood boards to show how much of these emotions take up our thinking and made calming jars for self-regulation.  We also talked about the importance of asking for help, no matter what you are going through.

Harvest Festival

How wonderful it has been to celebrate Harvest this year.  The class led assemblies both in the school hall and at St James church.  Through excerpts from a variety of stories, Wind in the Willows and Peter Rabbit etc, they delivered the message of the importance of sharing and giving thought to where our food comes from before it reaches our plates.  Both events were very well received and it was lovely to have so many families join us for the occasion.

PSHE - Creating a Community Charter

We considered all the roles there are within a community and recognised the need to collaborate in a group situation.  Working in small groups initially, we then came together to establish a charter which relates to collaboration in the community.  It covered how we wanted to live peaceably together and how every member should work together for the whole society. 

Year 6 - Class of 2023/2024

Goodbye And Good Luck - Class of 2022-2023

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Cedars Park - Our Last Full Day Together 😎

We had a great day at Cedars Park, enjoying each others company for the last time as Goffs Oak Year 6 pupils.


Conversation and Games at the Cuffley Day Care Centre

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We made our last visit of the year today.  It was a perfect opportunity for the visitors to engage with us through games and conversation.  Of course, we rounded up the morning with some singing and dancing!  We have loved our trips to the centre and the sense of fulfilment that it brings to us all.


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As the end of the academic year draws near, it was marvellous to spend the day together at the 🏖️ beach. 

Robin Hood And The Sherwood Hoodies

The production was an absolute sensation.  After the dress rehearsal the whole school was talking about how much they had enjoyed the performance and when the class pulled it out of the bag the following evening they surpassed themselves.  It was a joy to see how well they had engaged with their characters and their delivery of jokes and responses was impeccably timed.  Absolutely marvellous! 

Rainbow Run Friends of Goffs Oak Fundraising Event

What a brilliant time we had at the Rainbow 🌈 Run 🏃‍♀️ 🏃‍♂️ ! So much paint, so much fun.  It was a great way to get together and share lots of laughs with the whole school community.  😎 🎨 

The Magic Door Creative Writing Competition

These pupils were fortunate enough to have their entries for a writing competition published!  We are very proud of their achievements and the high standard of writing they produced. 👏👏👏. 

Liddington Residential

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Our residential trip was a fantastic opportunity for the class to come together with a range of activities that called upon teamwork, encouragement, ‘stepping out of comfort zones’ and so much more.  Everyone achieved something new and the whole week was sprinkled with fun, laugher and personal bests. 👏🤩🤣

Buddhism Workshop

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What a fantastic way to enhance our knowledge and understanding of Buddhism, our RE topic.  Our visitor, an ordained Buddhist, brought Buddhism to life through personal and historic stories which were were clear and informative.  She also brought artefacts for the class to handle and discussed the principles and practices of the religion. The meditation was a highlight as the class secular mindfulness gave an opportunity for reflection and a taster of what the life of a Buddhist involves.

Thank you to The London Buddhist Centre for a marvellous experience. 🧘🧘‍♂️


‘We meditated for 7 minutes, it was a wonderful experience.’ Evie Year 6

’I enjoyed the messages through the stories.’ Emelle Year 6


Today we learned what to do in an emergency and when to dial 999, the recovery position, CPR and resuscitation, choking, bleeds and bandaging.  Everyone had the chance to practise on a manikin.

The session was really well received, building confidence and knowledge around basic first aid skills.

World Book Day

The class pulled out all the stops to show team spirit by dressing up for World Book Day.  As shown in the picture, there was such a variety of different book characters and it was lovely to see such enthusiasm.  

Portraits of King Charles prior to to his Coronation

This week we have put our drawing skills to the test!

There is a competition to draw the best image of the King and everyone has done a marvellous job.  These photos are just a few of the masterpieces that have been created. 👑 


Bikeability is the government’s National cycle training programme, helping children to learn practical skills and understand how to cycle on today’s roads.

Our class have enjoyed the challenge this week, growing more confident in their ability to understand signals, signs and road markings whilst negotiating the road; starting and stopping more confidently and passing stationary vehicles parked on the road.

We are very proud of the resilience they have shown, overcoming fears and striving to achieve the best from the learning opportunity.

‘Let’s Connect!’

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What a lovely week we have had!

A visit to the Day Care Centre and lots of activities to raise awareness of how we think and react to our emotions.  Creating ‘mood boards’ helped to identify our individuality and how our brains are like houses, with an upstairs for thinking and downstairs for emotions. 
We also looked at the online community and how to keep safe when using different platforms.



RE - The Eightfold Path

We have been learning about the Buddhist religion and the principles they follow.  They believe the Eightfold Path is the way to end suffering and become enlightened.  When people follow the path, the wheel turns in a positive direction symbolising their development. 🧘‍♂️


Christmas Celebrations

Make do and Mend

We have enjoyed bringing in old clothing and fabrics to re-invent into soft toys.  This DT unit was in conjunction with our WW2 history topic where, during rationing, people had to be inventive with old materials. The Government urged the British people to repair, re-use and reimagine their existing clothes during this time.

The class learned a range of simple sewing stitches and from their individual, hand drawn, paper patterns have designed, cut out, sewn and stuffed their unique pieces; they are very proud of their toys 🧸.

Dragons Den Winners!!

All our hard work and creativity paid off! We made the most money of all the stalls and our overall profit came in at roughly £250!   It was a fabulous Christmas Fair and a perfect way to get everyone working together to support each other and the Friends of Goffs Oak.

Carol Singing at Cuffley

Visiting the Day Care Centre at Cuffley was an uplifting experience for all involved.  The class had made beautiful cards, word searches and placemats, which they gave to the elderly in handcrafted gift bags.  The atmosphere was amazing as the children chatted with adults and the whole community sang carols together.

A memorable event for everyone, we look forward to returning in the new year.

Preparation for the Dragons Den Venture at the Christmas Fair!

We have been crafting hard to make a range of Christmas decorations to sell at the Christmas Fair.  Extra pieces have been designed for gifting to the visitors at the Cuffley Day Care Centre when we attend for their Carol Concert next week.  Every item was constructed with love and care and the activities certainly put us in the Christmas spirit.

We held productive debates today on a range of topics from bringing back National Service to paying people to recycle.  Persuasive language was used to gain support for points of view, along with active listening when others were speaking.  The groups were able to voice their ideas clearly and had identified evidence to support each case.

The voices of the future! 

Daily Mindfulness - Stop, Focus, Become Intentionally Present in the Moment

Musical improvisation using virtual pianos

We have been learning about the use of music throughout WW2 and how it aided the positive well-being of everyone, both at home and away.  Through studying the work of Vera Lynn and The Glenn Miller Band we have been able to understand the impact their music and presence had.

Currently we are developing our improvisation skills and considering how the beat and the rhythmic timings are essential to elevate mood and lower stress, vital during the war to lift the spirits of the country.


Our interpretations of The Holy Man by John Reilly - using pastel crayons and charcoal

Guided Reading - Private Peaceful

We are enjoying reading Private Peaceful as our glass guided reading book.  The story of friendship and conflict supports our World Wars topic.

Black History Week

We have been celebrating Black culture and experiences, recognising the effects of racism and how to challenge negative stereotypes.

World Mental Health Week - Kandinsky Inspired Artwork

We studied the work of Kandinsky and how he used music and geometric shapes to inspire his abstract art.  Listening to alternative music styles, we created our individual responses and then pieced to them together to make collaborative pieces, which now brighten our classroom walls.

Year 6 - Class of 2022-2023
