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Goffs Oak Primary and Nursery School

Believe, Achieve, Care

Badge Scheme

The scheme owes a lot to the idea of badge work found in the Cubs, Scouts, Brownies etc. We recognise the motivation this can give to children and wish to adapt the system for use in our school. Children elect to work towards a particular badge (it is a voluntary scheme) and on completion have their work checked, possibly put on display, and then receive their badge in a special assembly. The scheme encourages children to work with parents, broadens their experiences in both curriculum subjects and other areas and highlights their talents and qualities. 

Each badge has three levels, and each level has its own badge to gain. The badges vary in the level of work which is needed and for some of the tasks it will be up to the children to decide how they will evidence their work in the area.
Children can only wear one badge on their school uniform at any one time. To help with their collection we have ordered school lanyards. You can buy these from the school office and the children can keep their collections on them.

Badge scheme work needs to be given directly to Miss Matthews. There will be one special assembly each half term to award badges.  

Badges are currently available for:

  • Art
  • Autumn
  • Book Lover
  • Communicator
  • Conservation
  • Emergency
  • Going Away
  • Number and Shape
  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Snow and Ice
  • History
  • ​Mud

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