To ensure all our children are at the centre of a broad, varied and interesting learning experience that is enjoyable and relevant for the future. Our creative, multisensory curriculum will create a sense of awe and wonder and help to inspire a lifelong love of learning. The holistic nature of our practice will promote positive mental health and well-being and will enhance our children’s life skills, social skills and cultural awareness.
At Goffs Oak Primary and Nursery School we aim to provide a stimulating and secure environment where:
- all individuals are valued
- individual needs are met
- everyone achieves their full potential
- Both independent and co-operative learning is encouraged
- effort and achievement are recognised and celebrated
- similarities and differences are recognised and tolerated
- moral and spiritual issues are explored
- learning is enjoyable and challenging
We aim to provide a well-resourced, broad, balanced curriculum, relevant to the needs of each child so that children can learn:
- to make mistakes, in an atmosphere of trust, and learn from them
- to learn how to make informed choices
- to plan and evaluate their own work
- to respect and care for themselves, for others and for the environment and can become:
- literate and numerate, effective speakers and listeners
- independent learners
- creative, observant and questioning
- caring and responsible members of the school community
- physically active and able to develop a healthy lifestyle
- prepared for future life in a technological world.
Our morning sessions focus on Phonics, English, Fluency and Mathematics, as these multi-sensory, over learning approaches to teaching basic skills are proven to successfully meet the needs of our pupils and ensure maximum progress. We ensure every child receives 2 hours of PE every week and we make sure every child is taught the local RE syllabus through discrete lessons. Our Key Stage 2 children receive discreet French lessons weekly as our Modern Foreign Language programme.
We have a Global Curriculum called 'Learning means the World' for all our other subjects. This curriculum not only follows the National Curriculum, but it is also innovative, forward-thinking and highly relevant to our pupils' needs and thoroughly engages them as they tackle challenging and inspiring topics and issues.
Learning Means the World Curriculum
We wanted our pupils to fully embrace cultural diversity, learning about, experiencing and celebrating a range of different cultures and faith heritages. We feel our pupils, as the future generation, need a greater awareness and appreciation of local, national and global conservation issues and initiatives. The curriculum puts communication at its heart and enables children to see the importance of connecting. They need to learn that they have an important role to play in sustainability. Pupils also need to learn how to handle conflict well, realising that it is important to develop empathy in order to develop positive relationships in their immediate home and school environments, as well as in the wider community. They need an appreciation of other opinions and perspectives in order to learn how to address conflict and develop the necessary skills to resolve it. The curriculum gives pupils opportunities to grow and develop spiritually, emotionally, physically and socially in the natural world around them. Our commitment to nurturing positive attitudes and values and developing life and social skills is promoted throughout the Learning Means The World (LMTW) curriculum.
LMTW curriculum has been written with world issues in mind and is centred on 4Cs:-
- Communication
- Conflict
- Conservation
- Culture

It is theme based and broken down into the following phases:
- Explorers (Nursery and Reception)
- Pathfinders (Year 1 and Year 2)
- Adventurers (Year 3 and Year 4
- Navigators (Year 5 and Year 6)

Explorers experimental | Pathfinders innovative | Adventurers brave |
leaders |
Theme Unit Road Maps
All children will be given work to do at home in line with the school’s homework policy.
There is a short school assembly every day, which is held in accordance with the requirements of Education Reform Act. Assemblies take a variety of forms and are sometimes organised by the children. Stories are told from world religions and various religious festivals are discussed. Assemblies have a specific theme each half-term which emphasise core values such as kindness, compassion, truthfulness and respect for our environment and community.
If you wish to know more about our curriculum in more detail, please look at our year group curriculum newsletters. These are produced termly and sent to parents/carers and can be found on our website under the 'News & Events' tab as 'Class Newsletters'...or following the link below.