Each class will take part in a daily mathematics lesson.. Each session will be planned from the Herts Essential planning materials and will focus on one of the following strands:
- Number and Place Value
- Number – Addition, subtraction, Multiplication and Division.
- Number- Fractions
- Measurement
- Geometry – properties of shape and position and direction
- Statistics
The aim of the mathematics curriculum is to ensure that all pupils become more fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, can reason mathematically and can solve problems with confidence.
Assessment in maths, takes many forms and is made up of a combination of statutory and non-satutory activities.
- AFL - all Year groups - assessment for learning takes place continuously and informs teachers of children's attainment and progress within their maths lessons.
- Diagnostic tests - Year 1 - Year 6 - these are tests given to the children once per term. They are directly linked to the topics and content delivered in the daily lessons and provide teachers with information about how children are progressing against key areas of learning.
- Multiplication Tables Check - Year 4 - this is statutory test which is taken by Year 4 pupils usually in May. The test is administered digitally using computer programme. A DFE information leaflet can be found below.
- SATs tests - Year 2 & Year 6. SATs stands for Statutory Assessment Tasks. Children in Year 2 will take these tests during the month of May. Children in Year 6 will take their maths SATs on specific days usually during the second week in May.